PhD, University of California Davis, 2018
MS, University of Michigan, 2013
BS, Ursinus College, 2010
Animal Behavior Society
Selected Publications
Injaian, A. S., C. D. Francis, J. Q. Ouyang, D. M. Dominoni, J. W. Donald, M. J. Fuxjager, W. Goymann, M. Hau, J. F. Husak, M. A. Johnson, B. K. Kircher, R. Knapp, L. B. Martin, E. T. Miller, L. A. Schoenle, T. D. Williams and M. N. Vitousek. 2020. Baseline and stress-induced corticosterone levels across birds and reptiles do not reflect urbanization levels. Conservation Physiology 8: coz110.
Injaian, A. S., P. L. Gonzalez-Gomez, C. C. Taff, A. K. Bird, A. D. Ziur*, G. L. Patricelli, M. F. Haussmann. and J. C. Wingfield. 2019. Traffic noise exposure alters nestling physiology and telomere attrition through direct, but not maternal, effects in a free-living bird. General and Comparative Endocrinology 176: 14-21.
Injaian, A. S., C. C. Taff, K. L. Pearson*, M. M. Y. Gin*, G. L. Patricelli and M. N. Vitousek. 2018. Effects of experimental chronic traffic noise exposure on adult and nestling corticosterone levels, and nestling body condition in a free-living bird. Hormones and Behavior 106: 19-27.
Injaian, A. S., L. Y. Poon*, and G. L. Patricelli. 2018. Effects of experimental anthropogenic noise on avian settlement patterns and reproductive success. Behavioral Ecology 29: 1181-1189.
*denotes an undergraduate co-author