Infectious Disease Ecology
The study of the interactions among pathogens or parasites and their human, animal or plant hosts in the context of their environment and evolution.
The study of the interactions among pathogens or parasites and their human, animal or plant hosts in the context of their environment and evolution.
Martha Odum Distinguished Professor of Ecology
Director of Public Service and Outreach
Graduate Program Faculty
Ecology building, Rm. 190
Office: (706) 542-9251
Fax: (706) 542-4819
[email protected]
Associate Dean for Research and Operations
Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor of Ecology
Lothar Tresp Honors Professor
Graduate Program Faculty
UGA Athletic Association Professor
Ecology building, Rm. 194B
Office: 706-583-0012
Fax: 706-542-4819
[email protected]
Assistant Research Scientist
Graduate Program Faculty
Biological Sciences Bldg., Room 714
Office: (706) 542-8112
Fax: (706) 542-4819
[email protected]
Regents' Professor
Distinguished Research Professor
Director, Center for the Ecology of Infectious Diseases
Graduate Program Faculty
Ecology building, Rm. 133
Office: 706) 818-4452
Fax: (706) 542-3344
[email protected]
Adjunct Faculty
Professor of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology, Yale University
Graduate Program Faculty
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Faculty
Joint appointment: Dept. of Infectious Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine
Ecology building, Rm. 137
[email protected]
Graduate Program Faculty
Joint appointment: Dept. of Infectious Diseases, College of Veterinary Medicine
Ecology building, Rm. 34
Office: (706) 542-5373
Fax: (706) 542-4819
[email protected]
Associate Professor
Graduate Program Faculty
Joint appointment: Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
Savannah River Ecology Laboratory
Office: (803) 725-6328
Fax: (803) 725-7471
[email protected]
Regents' Professor
UGA Athletic Association Professor in Ecology and Infectious Diseases
Associate Dean for Academic Affairs
Deputy Director of Center for Influenza Disease & Emergence Research
Ecology building, Rm. 36
Office: (706) 542-8838
Fax: (706) 542-4819
[email protected]
Graduate Program Faculty
Joint appointment: Dept. of Genetics, Franklin College of Arts and Sciences
Davison Life Sciences Complex, Rm. C326B
Office: (706) 542-7720
[email protected]
Assistant Professor
Graduate Program Faculty
Ecology Bldg., Room 194D
[email protected]
Adjunct Faculty
Associate Professor, Cornell University Dept. of Entomology
Graduate Program Faculty
10:20 am
Ecology Building Ecology Auditorium (Room 201)
10:20 am
Ecology Building Ecology Auditorium (Room 201)
10:20 am
Ecology Building Ecology Auditorium (Room 201)
12:00 am
Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel
12:00 am
Georgia Center for Continuing Education & Hotel
Ecology’s Pej Rohani and CEID colleagues are helping to develop computational models for forecasting the spread of influenza, which annually causes half a million deaths worldwide.
Alpha Forna, a postdoc in the Drake and Rohani labs, developed a system that uses machine learning to predict how a seasonal flu virus is expected to evolve—with nearly 73% accuracy.
CEID Director John Drake is part of a UGA/Penn State team receiving a grant from the Gates Foundation to restore progress toward measles elimination lost during the pandemic.