Saran Traoré

Visiting Professor
Fulbright Scholar


2008: Ph.D. degree on Applied Biological Sciences: Plant Biology and Ecology. Unit of Training and Research in Life and Earth Sciences (UFR/Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre), Université Joseph KI-ZEBO (formerly Université de Ouagadougou).

1999: Master of Science. Plant cytogenetic. Faculty of Sciences and Techniques (FAST)/ Université Joseph KI-ZEBO (formerly Université de Ouagadougou). Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

1997: Master’s degree on Plant Biology and Physiology. Faculty of Sciences and Techniques (FAST)/Université Joseph KI-ZEBO. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

1996: Graduate in Biological Sciences (FAST), Université Joseph KI-ZEBO. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

1995: Diploma in general university studies (DEUG B). Faculty of Sciences and Techniques (FAST)/Université Joseph KI-ZEBO (formerly Université de Ouagadougou). Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso.

Research Interests

• Community ecology: woody plant species and soil macrofauna interaction

• Biodiversity conservation and management (fire and grazing as management tools for woody plant species and soil macrofauna)

• Termite systematic (morphobiology, MIRS and NIRS)

• Biotic and abiotic impact assessments (macrofauna and anthropogenic): soil macrofauna, livestock grazing and fire regime and ecosystem dynamic.

• Relationship between species richness and ecosystem functioning (soil fertility and ecosystem dynamic (sexual/vegetative regeneration and plant species richness)

• Spatial heterogeneity and plant species richness: soil surface modification (mound, bare soil) and ecosystem dynamic

• Population ecology

• Forest ecology

• Silviculture

Selected Publications

Jouquet Pascal, Muon Ratha, Traoré Saran, Harit Ajarit, 2023. From Thai to Zai: Insects as example of threatened nature- based solutions for sustainable food production. biodiversity Online J. 3(4). BOJ. 000566. doi: 10.31031/BOJ.2023.03.000566.

Traoré Saran, Keïta I., Nombré S., Nacro H., Sinsin, B. (2022b). Abundance and diversity of woody undergrowth reservoir as indicator of suitable vegetation patch for natural regeneration. Open Journal of Ecology, 12, 113 – 132.

Traoré Saran, Nombré S. A. H., Keïta I., Nacro H. B., Sinsin B. (2022a). Can stand density and stem stratification be indicators of aboveground biomass in woody plant recruitment in savannah. Open Journal of Forestry, 12: 41-59.

Jouquet P, Traoré Saran, Harit A, Choosai C, Cheik S, Bottinelli N, 2020. Moving beyond the distinction between the bright and dark sides of termites to achieve the sustainable development goals. Current Opinion in Insect Science 40, 71-76.

Traoré Saran, Jouquet P, 2020. Growth performance and adaptive strategy of early seedlings of three savanna woody species in pots as feedback to the soil of Macrotermes subhyalinus mound. European Scientific Journal, Vol.16, No.3 ISSN: 1857 – 7881 (Print) e – ISSN 1857- 7431.