Craig W. Osenberg

UGA Athletic Association Professor in Ecology
Graduate Program Faculty
Graduate Coordinator

Curriculum Vitae

Professional Website


PhD, Michigan State University (Kellogg Biological Station), 1988

BA, University of California Santa Barbara, 1980



Honors, Awards, and Achievements

ESA Fellow, 2015-life

Honorary Research Associate, Victoria University Wellington, 2007-2009

Invited Professor, Universite de Perpignan, 2007

University of Florida Research Foundation Professor, 2002-2005

WT Edmondson Lecturer, Univ. of Washington, 2001

Faculty Opponent, University Omea, 2000

Research Interests

Research Interests

Size- and stage-structured dynamics and species interactions; meta-analysis; environmental impacts assessment (BACIPS designs); competition; predator-prey interactions; density dependence

  • Aquatic Ecology (marine and freshwater)
  • Population Ecology
  • Community Ecology
  • Organismal Ecology
  • Conservation Ecology
  • Mathematical Ecology
Selected Publications

Jacobs, GR, RF Thurow, CE Petrosky, CW Osenberg, SJ Wenger.  2024.  Life-cycle modeling reveals high recovery potential of at-risk wild Chinook salmon via improved migrant survival.  Canadian Journal of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences 81:297-310.  doi: 10.1139/cjfas-2023-0167.

Stier, AC, CW Osenberg. 2024.  Coral guard crabs.  Current Biology 34:R5-R7. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2023.10.067.

Stier, AC, CW Osenberg.  2024.  How fishes and invertebrates impact coral resilience.  Current Biology 34:R613-R615. doi: 10.1016/j.cub.2024.05.071.

Curtis, JS, JW Galvan, A Primo, CW Osenberg, AC Stier.  2023.  3D Photogrammetry improves measurement of growth and biodiversity patterns in branching corals.  Coral Reefs 42:623-627.  doi: 10.1007/s00338-023-02367-7.

Pappalardo, P, C Song, BA Hungate, CW Osenberg.  2023.  A meta-evaluation of the quality of reporting and execution in ecological meta-analyses.  PLoS ONE 18(10): e0292606. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0292606.

Shima, JS, CW Osenberg, SH Alonzo, EG Noonburg, SE Swearer. 2022. How the moon shapes environments, life histories, and ecological interactions on coral reefs.  Emerging Topics in Life Sciences doi: 10.1042/ETLS20210237.

Atkins, RL, KM Clancy, WT Ellis, CW Osenberg.  2022.  Thermal traits vary with mass and across populations of the marsh periwinkle, Littoraria irrorata.  Biological Bulletin 242:173-196.  doi: 10.1086/719850.

Cryan, DM, NHN Low, SY Litvin, CW Osenberg, F Micheli.  2022.  Trophic ecology of an abundant kelp forest echinoderm, the bat star Patiria miniata.  Marine Ecology Progress Series 696:57-68.  doi: 10.3354/meps14127.