Amanda Rugenski

Lecturer and Undergraduate Coordinator
Graduate Program Faculty

Curriculum Vitae

Selected Publications

C. Murria, A.T. Rugenski, M.R, Whiles, and A.P. Volger. Accepted. Long-term isolation and endemicity of neotropical aquatic insects limits the local-scale community responses to current amphibian declines. Diversity and Distribution

Barnum, T.R., J,M. Drake, J.C. Colón-Gaud, A.T. Rugenski, T.C. Frauendorf, S.Connelly, S.S. Kilham, M.R. Whiles. K.R. Lips, and C.M. Pringle In Press. Food web structure persists after amphibian extirpation in a Neotropical stream. Ecology

Capps, K.A., C.L. Atkinson, A. T. Rugenski. In press. Consumer-driven nutrient dynamics in freshwaters: an Introduction. Freshwater Biology

Rantala, H.M., A.M. Nelson, M.R. Whiles, R.O. Hall, Jr., W.K. Dodds, P. Verburg, A.D. Huryn, C.M. Pringle, S.S. Kilham, C. Colon-Gaud, A.T. Rugenski, S.D. Peterson, K. Fritz, S. Connelly, and K.R. Lips. In press Long-term changes in structure and function of a tropical headwater stream following a disease-driven amphibian decline. Freshwater Biology.

Capps, K. A., C.L. Atkinson, A.T Rugenski. In press. Implications of species addition and decline on nutrient dynamics in freshwaters. Freshwater Science

Rugenski, A.T. and G.W. Minshall 2014. Climate-moderated responses to wildfire by macroinvertebrates and basal food resources in montane wilderness streams. Ecosphere 5(3):art25.

Whiles, M.R., R.O. Hall, Jr., W.K. Dodds, P. Verburg, A.D. Huryn, C.M. Pringle, K.R. Lips, S.S. Kilham, C. Colón-Gaud, A.T. Rugenski, S. Peterson, and S. Connelly. 2013. Disease-driven amphibian declines alter ecosystem processes in a tropical stream. Ecosystems 16:146-157.

Rugenski, A.T., C. Murria, and M.R. Whiles. 2012. Tadpoles enhance microbial activity and leaf decomposition in a neotropical headwater stream. Freshwater Biology 57(9): 1904-1913.

Capps, K.A, C.L Atkinson, A.T. Rugenski, C.V. Baxter, K.S. Boersma, C.C. Carey, P.B.

McIntyre, J.W. Moore, W. Nowlin, and C. Vaughn. 2012. Organized oral session: Impacts of species addition and species loss on ecosystem function in freshwater systems. Bulletin of the Ecological Society of America 93:402-408.

Marcarelli, A.M., H.A. Bechtold, A.T. Rugenski, and R.S. Inouye. 2009. Nutrient limitation on biofilm biomass and metabolism in the Upper Snake River basin, southeast Idaho, USA. Hydrobiologia 620:63-26.

Kohler, A.E., A.T. Rugenski, and D. Taki. 2008. Stream food web responses to a salmon carcass analog addition in two central Idaho, U.S.A. streams. Freshwater Biology 53:446-460.

Rugenski, A.T., A.M. Marcarelli H.A. Bechtold, and R.S. Inouye. 2008. Effects of temperature and concentration on nutrient release rates from nutrient diffusing substrates. Journal of the North American Benthological Society 27(1):52-57.

Minshall, G.W. and A.T. Rugenski. 2006. Riparian processes and interactions. In Methods in Stream Ecology. Editors. R. Hauer and G. Lamberti. Academic Press.