Michael Tarrant

Josiah Meigs Distinguished Teaching Professor, Human Dimensions, Warnell School of Forestry and Natural Resources
Director, Discover Abroad


Ph.D., Natural Resources Recreation, Colorado State University

M.A., Park and Recreation Administration, University of Illinois

B.A., Outdoor Recreation and Tourism, Leeds Polytechnic

B.E.C., Business and Finance, Boston College

Areas of Expertise

Natural Resource Recreation and Tourism

Wildlife Ecology and Management

Human Dimensions of Wildlife

Selected Publications

Recent Citations:

Gabowski, S., Wearing, S., Lyons, K., Tarrant, M.A., & Landon, A. (2017). A rite of passage? Exploring youth transformation and global citizenry in the study abroad experience. Tourism Recreation Research, 42(2), 139-149.

Landon, A.L., Tarrant, M.A., Rubin, D. & Stoner, L. (2017). Beyond just do it: Fostering higher-order learning outcomes in short-term study abroad. American Education Research Association Open, 3(1), 1-7.

Wearing, S., Tarrant, M.A., Schweinsberg, S., & Lyons, K., (2017). Cultural and environmental awareness through sustainable tourism education: Exploring the role of onsite community tourism-based work integrated learning projects. In P. Benckendorff and A. Zehrer (Eds.), Handbook of Teaching and Learning in Tourism. (pp. 402 – 415). Northampton, MA: Edward Elgar Publishing.

Rubin, D., Landon, A., Tarrant, M.A., Stoner, L. & Mintz, L. (2016). Measuring attitudes toward the rights of indigenous people: an index of global citizenship. Journal of Global Citizenship and Equity Education, 5(1), 1-16.

Stoner, L., Perry, L., Wadsworth, D., Gleason, M., Tarrant, M.A., Page, R., & Stoner, K. (2016). Fostering global citizenship in higher education: The development of an international course in global health. In D. Velliaris and D. Coleman-George (Eds.), Handbook of Research on Study Abroad Programs and Outbound Mobility. (pp. 398-419). Hershey, PA: IGI Global.

Tarrant, M.A. (2016). Sustaining human societies and the natural environment: Case studies in Australia and New Zealand. Austin, TX: Sentia Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-9966464-5-1 (307 p.)

Tarrant, M.A. (2016). New Zealand Plant Guide. Austin, TX: Sentia Publishing. ISBN: 978-0-9966464-4-4 (50 p.)

Bell, H.L., Gibson, H.J., Tarrant, M.A., Perry, L.G., & Stoner, L. (2015). Transformational learning through study abroad: US students’ reflections on learning about sustainability in the South Pacific. Leisure Studies, 1-17.

Tarrant, M.A., Rubin, D.L., & Stoner, L. (2015). The effects of studying abroad and studying sustainability on global perspectives. Frontiers: The Interdisciplinary Journal of Study Abroad, 26(Fall), 68-82.

Tarrant, M.A., Stoner, L., Tessman, K., Gleason, M., Lyons, K., & Wearing, S. (2015). Global programs in sustainability: A case study of techniques, tools, and teaching strategies for sustainability education in tourism. In G. Moscardo and P. Benckendorff (Eds.), Education for sustainability in tourism: A handbook of processes, resources, and strategies. (pp. 229 – 237). New York, NY: Springer.

Wearing, S., Tarrant, M.A., Schweinsberg, S., Lyons, K., & Stoner, K. (2015). Exploring the global in student assessment and feedback for sustainable tourism education. In G. Moscardo and P. Benckendorff (Eds.), Education for sustainability in tourism: A handbook of processes, resources, and strategies (pp. 101 – 115). New York: Springer.

Witter, T., Poudevigne, M., Lambrick, D., Faulkner, J., Lucero, A., Page, R., Perry, L., Tarrant, M.A., & Stoner, L. (2015). A conceptual framework for managing modifiable risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in Fiji. Perspectives in Public Health, 132(2), 75-84.

Perry, L., Stoner, L., Schleser, M., Stoner, K., Wadsworth, D., Page, R., & Tarrant, M.A. (2014). Digital media as a reflective tool: creating appropriate spaces for students to become introspective. Research in Comparative and International Education, 45(2), 323-330. (IF = 0.43)

Stoner, K., Tarrant, M.A., Perry, L., Stoner, L., Wearing, S., & Lyons, K. (2014). Global citizenship as a learning outcome of educational travel. Journal of Teaching in Travel and Tourism, 14(2), 149-163. (IF = 0.25)

Tarrant, M.A., Lyons, K., Stoner, L., Kyle, G.T., Wearing, S. & Poudyal, N. (2014). Global citizenry, educational travel, and sustainable tourism: Evidence from Australia and New Zealand. Journal of Sustainable Tourism, 22(3), 403-420. (IF = 3.00)

Stoner, L., Perry, L., Wadsworth, D., & Tarrant, M.A. (2014). Global citizenship is key to securing global health: The role of higher education. Preventive Medicine, 64, 126-128. (IF = 4.26).

Tarrant, M.A., Rubin, D., & Stoner, L. (2014). The added value of study abroad: Fostering a global citizenry. Journal of Studies in International Education, 18(2), 141-161. (IF = 1.02)

Perry, L.G., Stoner, K.R., Stoner, L., Wadsworth, D., Page, R., & Tarrant, M.A. (2013). The importance of global citizenship to higher education: The role of short-term study abroad. British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science, 3(2), 184-194. (IF = .568)

Poudyal, N., Paudel, B., & Tarrant, M.A. (2013). A time-series analysis of the impact of recession on national park visitation in the United States. Tourism Management, 35, 181-189. (IF = 2.60)

Poudyal, N., Bowker, M., Green, G.T., & Tarrant, M.A. (2012). The supply of private acreage for recreational deer hunting in Georgia. Human Dimensions of Wildlife, 17(2), 141-154. (IF = .57)

Wynveen, C., Kyle, G.T. & Tarrant, M.A. (2012). Study abroad experiences and global citizenship: Fostering pro-environmental behavior. Journal of Studies in International Education, 16, 334-352. (IF = 1.02)

Tarrant, M.A. & Lyons, K. (2012). The effect of short-term educational travel programs on environmental citizenship. Environmental Education Research, 18(3), 403-416. (IF = 1.30)

Tarrant, M.A., Stoner, L., Borrie, W.T., Kyle, G., Moore, R., & Moore, A. (2011). Educational travel and global citizenship. Journal of Leisure Research, 43(3), 403-426. (IF = 0.91)

Tarrant, M.A. (2010). A conceptual framework for exploring the role of studies abroad in nurturing global citizenship. Journal of Studies in International Education, 14(5), 433-451. (IF = 1.02)