John L. Gittleman

Dean and UGA Foundation Professor in Ecology, Emeritus
Distinguished Scholar in Biodiversity and Disease Ecology, Duke University


D. Phil., Biology – School of Biological Sciences, University of Sussex, Brighton, England, 1984

B.A., Philosophy (honors) – Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1976

B.A., Psychology – Miami University, Oxford, Ohio, 1976

Honors, Awards, and Achievements

Scientific Fellow, The Zoological Society of London

John Smithson Fellow, The Smithsonian Institution

Marsh Award for Conservation, The Zoological Society of London


The Zoological Society of London: Scientific Fellow
American Society of Mammalogists
Society for the Study of Evolution
Smithsonian Fellow, The Smithsonian Institution
Society of Systematic Zoology
American Society of Naturalists
Paleontological Society

Selected Publications

Pfenning-Butterworth, A., Buckley, L.B., Drake, J.M., Farner, J.E., Farrell, M.J., Gehman, A-L. M., Mordecai, E.A., Stephens, P.R., Gittleman, J.L., and Davies, T.J. (2024). Interconnecting global threats: climate change, biodiversity loss, and infectious disease.  Lancet Planetary-Health 8:270-283.

Gittleman, J.L. and Stephens, P.R. (2022).  The growing importance of environmental and ecological factors on the dynamics of disease.  In: Zoonotic Diseases in Agriculture and Beyond: A One Health Perspective. Council on Agricultural Science and Technology.  National Academy of Sciences.

Stephens, P.R., Altizer, S.A., Ezenwa, V., Gittleman, J.L., Moan, E., Han, B., Huang, S., and Pappalardo, P. (2019). Parasite sharing in wild ungulates and
their predators:  effects of phylogeny, range overlap, and trophic links.  Journal of Animal Ecology 88:1017-1028.

Fisher, M.A., Vinson, J.E., Gittleman, J.L. and Drake, J.M. (2018).  The description and number of undiscovered mammal species.  Ecology and Evolution 8:3628-3635

Waldron, A., Miller, D.C., Redding, D., Mooers, A., Kuhn, T.S., Nibbelink, N., TRoberts, J.T., Tobias, J.A., and Gittleman, J.L.  (2017). Reductions in global biodiversity loss predicted from conservation spending.  Nature 551:364-367.

Stephens, P.R.  Gittleman, J.L., 21 authors.  (2016).  The macroecology of infectious disease:  a new perspective on global-scale drivers of pathogen distributions and impacts.  Ecology Letters 19:1159-1171.

Farrell, M., P.R. Stephens, L. Berrang-Ford, J.L. Gittleman, and T. Davies.  (2015).  The path to host extinction can lead to loss of generalist parasites.  Journal of Animal Ecology 84:978-994.

Huang, S., J. M. Drake, J.L. Gittleman and S. Altizer. (2015) Parasite diversity declines with host evolutionary distinctiveness: A global analysis of carnivores. Evolution 69: 621-630.

Pimm, S.L., Jenkins, C.N., Abell, R., Brooks, T.M., Gittleman, J.L., Joppa, L.N., Raven, P.H., Roberts, C.M. and Sexton, J.O. 2014.  The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection.  Science 344:DOI:10.1126

Smith, F.A., Gittleman, J.L. and Brown, J.H. 2014.  Foundations of Macroecology. 2014. Chicago: University of Chicago Press.

Pimm, S.L., Jenkins, C.N., Abell, R., Brooks, T.M., Gittleman, J.L., Joppa, L.N., Raven, P.H., Roberts, C.M. and Sexton, J.O. 2014.  The biodiversity of species and their rates of extinction, distribution, and protection.  Science 344:DOI:10.1126

Waldron, A., Mooers, A.O., Miller, D.C., Nibbelink, N., Redding, D., Kuhn, T.S., Roberts, J.T., and Gittleman, J.L.  (2013).  Targeting global conservation funding to limit immediate biodiversity declines.  Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 110:12144.   See also Letter published in Science, Turkey’s biodiversity funding on the rise.  341:1173.

Okie, J.G. plus 17 coauthors.  (2013).  Effects of allometry, productivity and lifestyle on rates and limits of body size evolution. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 280:2013-2017.

Huang, S., Stephens, P.R., and Gittleman, J.L.  (2012).  Traits, trees, and taxa: global dimensions of biodiversity in mammals.  Proceedings of the Royal Society of London B, 279:4997-5003.

Gittleman, J.L. and Stephens, P.R.  (2012).  Rates of metabolism and evolution.  In:  Metabolic Ecology (Eds. R.M. Sibley, J.H. Brown & A. Kodric-Brown), pp. 112-119.  Sussex: John Wiley & Sons.

Evans, A.R. plus 19 coauthors.  (2011). Maximum rate of mammal evolution.   Proceedings of National Academy of Sciences, 109:4187-4190.

Rodrigues, A.S.L., Grenyer, R., Bailey, J.E.M., Bininda-Emonds, O.R.P., Gittleman, J.L., Hoffmann, M., Safi, K., Schipper, J., Stuart, S,N. and Brooks, T. (2011).  Complete, accurate, mammalian phylogenies aid conservation planning, but not much.  Philosophical Transactions of Royal Society, 366:2652-2660.

Macdonald, D.W., Mosser, A., and Gittleman, J.L. (2010).  Felid society.  In: Biology and Conservation of Wild Felids  (Eds. D.W. Macdonald and A.J. Loveridge), 160. 125-160. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

Smith, F.A. Boyer, A., Brown, J.H., Costa, D., Dayan, T., Ernest, S., Evans, A., Fortelius, M., Gittleman, J.L., Hamilton, M., Harding, L., Lintulaakso, K., Lyons, K., McCain, C., Okie, J., Saarinen, J., Sibly, R., Stephens, P., Theodor, J. and Uhen, M.  2010.  The evolution of maximum body size in terrestrial mammals.  Science 330:1216-1219.

Davies, T.J., Purvis, A., and Gittleman, J.L.  (2009).  Quaternary climate change and the geographic ranges of mammals.  American Naturalist 174:297-307.

Jones, K.E. and 23 coauthors.  (2009). PanTHERIA:  a species-level database of life history, ecology, and geography of extant and recently extinct mammals. Ecology 90:2648.

Cardillo, M., Gittleman, J.L., and Purvis, A.  (2008).  Global patterns in the phylogenetic structure of island mammal assemblages. Proceedings of the Royal Society 275:1549-1556.

Cardillo, M., Mace, G.M., Gittleman, J.L., Jones, K.E., Bielby, J. and Purvis, A. (2008). The predictability of extinction: biological and external correlates of decline in mammals.  Proceedings of the Royal Society 275:1441-1448.

Davies, T.J. and 7 other authors, Gittleman, J.L., Mace, G.M. and Purvis, A.  (2008). Phylogenetic trees and the future of mammalian biodiversity.  Proceedings of The National  Academy of Sciences 105:11556-11563.

Jones, K.E., Patel, N.G., Levy, M.A., Storeygard, A., Balk, D., Gittleman, J.L. and Daszak, P.  (2008).  Global trends in emerging infectious disease.  Nature 451: 990-994.

Grenyer, R. and 12 other authors, Gittleman, J.L. and Owens, IPF.  (2007). Effective global conservation strategies, a Reply to A.S.L. Rodrigues. Nature 450:E19-20.

Bininda-Emonds, R.R.P. and seven authors, Gittleman, J.L., Purvis, A. (2007). The delayed rise of present-day mammals.  Nature 446:507-512.