The Odum School of Ecology celebrated spring 2023 graduation with a convocation ceremony and reception for graduates and their families and friends on May 12 in the forestry auditorium.
Interim Dean Sonia Altizer, Georgia Athletic Association Professor of Ecology, welcomed participants and introduced alumnus Seth Wenger, MS ’99, PhD ’06, who delivered a convocation address focused on being optimistic about the future despite ongoing environmental crises.
“We have more power than we often realize, particularly as ecologists,” said Wenger, associate professor in the Odum School and director of science for UGA’s River Basin Center. “We don’t have to accept the world as it is.”
Ecologists are trained to think in terms of systems and to approach issues in interdisciplinary ways, he said.
“The problems that we’re faced with in the world are the kind that requires multiple kinds of expertise—teams, really—to solve. Ecologists are well equipped to be the people to organize and lead those teams.”
Wenger’s remarks were followed by a hooding ceremony for five doctoral and five master’s degrees, and the recognition of 16 Bachelor of Arts and 37 Bachelor of Science graduates. Degrees were presented by Pejman Rohani, associate dean for academic affairs, UGA Athletic Association Professor of Ecology and Infectious Diseases, and Regents’ Professor. Amy Rosemond, Distinguished Research Professor, and graduate advisors assisted in the presentation.
The ceremony concluded with remarks from Altizer, who welcomed the new graduates to the Odum School alumni community. About 350 guests joined in convocation and the post-ceremony celebration, which included refreshments in the Ecology lobby, courtyard and front lawn.
View photos from convocation.

Kaylee Marie Arnold
Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology
“Vector microbiome-pathogen-environment associations across multiple scales: Implications for Chagas disease transmission”
Jeffrey Paul Beauvais
Doctor of Philosophy in Integrative Conservation and Ecology
“The Lowcountry Lifestyle: Coastal infrastructure, ecotourism, and environmental justice in South Carolina”
Samantha Lynn Bock
Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology
“Temperature-dependent sex determination in the American alligator: Ecological drivers, proximate mechanisms, and evolutionary implications”
Laura Vanessa Kojima
Master of Science in Integrative Conservation and Sustainability
“Mercury accumulation and movement ecology of the American alligator (Alligator Mississippiensis)”
Adam James McFall
Master of Science in Integrative Conservation and Sustainability
“How abnormalities and soft releasing affect head-started Gopher Frogs (Rana capito) and what it means for conservation”
Edward Tucker Stonecypher
Master of Science in Ecology
“Restoring Gopher Frog Breeding Wetlands: An experimental and synergistic approach”
Nathan James Tomczyk
Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology
“Quantifying the effects of warming and nutrient pollution on the cycling of carbon and nutrients in forested streams”
Carol Yang
Doctor of Philosophy in Ecology
“Detritivory in tropical streams: The role of freshwater crabs and other macroconsumers”
Zoe Eve Alexander
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs
summa cum laude
Olivia Grace Allen
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Geography
Caroline Grace Triggs Anscombe
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Certificate in Sustainability
magna cum laude with Honors
Emma Rose Barfield
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs
cum laude with Honors
Molly Margaret Botting
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
cum laude
Alyssa Marie Brockhoft
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Amanda Jean Budd
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
summa cum laude
Ellison Pearce Buxton
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Minor in Biology
Minor in International Affairs
cum laude
Lindsay Ann Coats
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Resource Economics
Certificate in Sustainability
magna cum laude
Sydney Rayn Crabtree
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Biology
Minor in Entomology
Certificate in Geographic Information Science
Elijah Haley Dwoskin
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Science in Environmental Economics and Management
magna cum laude with Honors
William Thomas Ellis
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Amelia Rose Foley
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Science in Biology
cum laude
Jestin Graham Freeze
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Anthropology
magna cum laude
Benjamin Lindsay Frick
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Minor in Studio Art
magna cum laude with High Honors
Kaitlynn Renee Garcia
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Biology
magna cum laude
Thea Margret Genet
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Minor in Studio Art
Austin James Goss
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Minor in Environmental Law
Minor in Korean Language and Literature
Certificate in Environmental Ethics
summa cum laude
Ethan Jake Hackmeyer
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs
Minor in Spanish
summa cum laude
Alexander Joseph Hall
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Science in Biology
magna cum laude
Robert Preston Harden
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Studio Art
magna cum laude
Caitlyn Erin Hughes
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Science in Plant Biology with an emphasis in Plant Ecology and Environment
magna cum laude
Elizabeth Grace Johnson
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Minor in Geography
Certificate in Geographic Information Science
Noah Avery Kelly
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Bachelor of Science in Fisheries and Wildlife with an emphasis in Wildlife Sciences
Minor in Geology
Certificate in Water Resources
Josiah Scott Lavender
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Mathematics
magna cum laude
Makenzie Grace Leatherwood
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Certificate in Sustainability
Tianyi Li
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Samantha Maureen Lovell
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Bachelor of Arts in Geography
Minor in General Business
Certificate in Sustainability
summa cum laude
Caitlin May Lyons
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Arts in French
summa cum laude
Jayce Anthony Marino
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
summa cum laude
Caitlin Claire McCain
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
cum laude
Corbet Gene McClung
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Katherine Perry Moore
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Ian Calhoun Morton
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Biology
Molly Greer Mulhern
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Bachelor of Business Administration in International Business and Marketing
Certificate in Personal and Organizational Leadership
Certificate in Sustainability
Certificate in Water Resources
magna cum laude with Honors
Hailey Alyssa Mullis
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Certificate in Sustainability
Samantha Grace Nestor
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Certificate in Interdisciplinary Writing
magna cum laude
Kelli Kyo-Yom Osajima
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Science in Biology
Minor in Applied Biotechnology
summa cum laude with Honors
Marleigh Claire Powell
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Bachelor of Arts in International Affairs
summa cum laude
Jonathan Nash Ray
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Statistics
summa cum laude
Skye Elaine Remko
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Genetics
magna cum laude
Abigail Esther Ryder
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Certificate in Sustainability
James Huddleston Secor
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Science in Biology with an emphasis in Marine Biology
magna cum laude
Sydney Marie Speir
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Plant Biology
Certificate in Sustainability
magna cum laude
Gabriel Thomas Sullivan-Brugger
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
cum laude
Katelyn Jun Li Tong
Bachelor of Arts in Ecology
Bachelor of Arts in Journalism
cum laude
Mackenzie Danielle Ward
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Minor in Biology
summa cum laude
Carter Edward Watson
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Arts in English with an emphasis in Medieval Literature
Bachelor of Science in Physics
Minor in Biology
Certificate in Interdisciplinary Writing
Therese Carleen Webb
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Science in Biology
summa cum laude
Justin Lee Weimorts
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
First Honor Graduate summa cum laude
Ally Marie Whiteis
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Certificate in Sustainability
summa cum laude
Cody Austin Whitlock
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Certificate in Geographic Information Science
Marissa Gabrielle Willard
Bachelor of Science in Ecology
Bachelor of Science in Biology