James W. Porter

Josiah Meigs Distinguished Professor, Emeritus


Ph.D., Yale University

Research Interests
  • Theoretical ecology
  • Coral reefs
  • Predator-prey dynamics
  • Marine ecosystems

Research Projects

Successional dynamics of marine benthos, Georgia coast and Florida coral reefs; ecological physiology and oxygen metabolism in benthic marine invertebrates.

Selected Publications

Porter, J.W., and K.G. Porter.  2002.  The Everglades, Florida Bay, and Coral Reefs of the Florida Keys. CRC Press; Boca Raton, FL. 1,000 pp.

Porter, J.W., E.K. Lipp, K.P. Sutherland, and E. Mueller.  2008.  The ecology of an infectious disease in the Florida Keys: From pathogens to politics, pp.387-403.  In, R.S. Ostfeld, F. Keesing, and V. Eviner (Eds.) Infectious Disease Ecology.  Princeton Univ. Press; Princeton, NJ.  506 pp.

Porter, J.W., J. V. Barton, and C. Torres.  2011.  Ecological, Radiological, and Toxicological Effects of Naval Bombardment on the Coral Reefs of Isla de Vieques, Puerto Rico, pp. 65-122.  In, G.E Machlis, T. Hanson, Z. Spiric, and J.E. McKendry (Eds.) Warfare Ecology: A New Synthesis for Peace and Security (NATO Science for Peace and Security Series – C: Environmental Security).  Springer; Dordrecht, The Netherlands. xiii + 304 pp.

Sutherland, K.P., S. Shaban, J.L. Joyner, J.W. Porter, and E.K. Lipp.  2011. Human pathogen shown to cause disease in the threatened eklhorn coral Acropora palmata.  PLos ONE 6:1-7. E23468. DOI:10.1371/JOURNAL.PONE.0023468.

Woodley, C., C.A. Downs, A.W. Bruckner, J.W. Porter, and S.B. Galloway. (Eds.)  2016.  Diseases of Coral. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.; Hoboken, NJ. xiii + 582 pp.

Porter, J.W.  2019.  Congressional Testimony on the IPBES (Intergovernmental Science-Policy Platform on Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services) Assessment of Global Biodiversity Loss: Coral Reefs.  Hearing before the Committee on Science, Space, and Technology.  U.S. House of Representatives.  One Hundred Fifteenth Session of Congress.  June 4, 2019.  U.S. Gov. Printing Office; Washington, DC.

Romero-Torres, M., A. Acosta, A.M. Palacio-Castro, E.A. Treml, F.A. Zapata, D.A. Paz-García, and J.W. Porter (2020).  Coral reef resilience to thermal stress in the Eastern Tropical Pacific.  Glob. Change Biol. 2020:1-11. https://doi.org/10.1111/gcb.15126

Porter, J.W. et ao.  2021.  Hawaii State Legislature, House Resolution (H.R.) 135: Non-destructive disposal of thousands of tons of underwater munitions dumped, lost, or abandoned in Hawaiian waters. House of Representatives of the 31st Legislature of the State of Hawaii, Regular Session of 2021.

Sutherland, K.P., A. Griffin, A. Park, J.W. Porter, S.F. Heron, C.M. Eakin, B. Berry, D.W. Kemp, K.M. Kemp, E.K. Lipp, and J.P. Wares.  2023.  Twenty-year record of white pox disease in the Florida Keys: Importance of environmental risk factors as drivers of coral health.  Dis. Aquat. Org. 154:15-31.

Porter, J.W.  2023.  Sunken Treasure: The Art and Science of Coral Reefs.  Holdings from 1597 – 2023 in the Professional Library of Dr. James W. Porter.  University of Georgia; Athens, GA. 160 pp.